LocalGlobal Details
Experiment Settings
Not that the followings are default settings, and the actual details are in the each paper.
Stimuli: x=800 Hz, Y=1600 Hz, 50 ms duration No raise/fall time
Trial: ISI = 150 ms (thus SOA = 200 ms), ITI = [1.8 2.0] s
Block: 10 types, randomized order
1 block contains 100 trials (20 habituation, 64 standards, and 16 deviants).
Tone Index:
1. xxxxx
2. xxxxY
3. xxxx_
5. YYYYx
6. YYYY_
Block Index:
1. xxxxx with deviant xxxxY
2. xxxxx with omission xxxx_
3. xxxxY with deviant xxxxx
4. xxxxY with omission xxxx_
5. pure omission xxxx_
6. YYYYY with deviant YYYYx
7. YYYYY with omission YYYY_
8. YYYYx with deviant YYYYY
9. YYYYx with omission YYYY_
10. pure omission YYYY_
Data format
Data can be download from Brain/MINDS data portal.
One zip file has one date data which consists of a session.
For Monkey Ji and Rc:
‘ECoG_ch**.mat‘ had ECoG data of electrode. ** means number of electrode. Sampling rate was 1 kHz.
‘ECoGTime.mat‘ had time of ECoG data.
‘Event.mat‘ had information of condition.
‘Eye.mat‘ had eye tracking data recorded from right eye.
‘Audio.mat‘ had a audio data.
For Monkey Yo, Ca and Rm:
‘ECoG_ch**.mat‘ had ECoG data of electrode. ** means number of electrode. Sampling rate was 1017.25 Hz.
‘TriG_ch2.mat‘ had information of condition.
‘Aud_ch1.mat‘ had a audio data.
Sample code for Monkey Ji and Rc
clear addpath(genpath('D:\MATLAB_toolboxes\eeglab14_1_1b')) cd G:\Local_global_marmoset Subject='Ji'; % Subject='Rc'; cd(Subject) Expt=ls('2018*'); Expt_num=size(Expt,1); FS=1000; %Hz DS=1; Channel_num=96; %% Data_all=[]; Time=[]; Stim_time=[]; Block_idx=[]; Trial_idx=[]; Expt_idx=[]; Time_offset=0; for expt=1:Expt_num cd(Expt(expt,:)) load Event %allBlockIdx allTrialIdx StimOn fprintf(1,'>> Expt%d/%d: %s (%.1f min)(%d trials)\n',expt, Expt_num,Expt(expt,:),length(EventTime)/1000/60,length(StimOn)) Data=zeros(Channel_num,length([1:DS:length(EventTime)])); for ch=1:Channel_num FN=sprintf('ECoG_ch%d',ch); load(FN) str=sprintf('Data(ch,:)=ECoGData_ch%d(1:DS:end);',ch); eval(str) end Data_all=[Data_all Data]; Time=[Time EventTime(1:DS:end)/FS+Time_offset]; Stim_time=[Stim_time StimOn/FS+Time_offset]; Block_idx=[Block_idx allBlockIdx]; Trial_idx=[Trial_idx allTrialIdx]; Expt_idx=[Expt_idx ones(1,length(allTrialIdx))*expt]; Time_offset=Time(end)+DS/FS; clear Data EventTime StimOn cd .. end