Memory-guided saccade Details
- Subjects
Monkey Qu
!! Note that, for "Memory-guided saccade task", the data has already merged across days!!
"Exp date" refers to the date we uploaded the data for Neurotycho. The dates we conducted the experiments were as below.
Monkey Qu: 20120712, 20120713, 20120717, 20120718
B "info.mat" contains "prms" (struct) and "eyeData" (cell). "prms" is the time-stamps of the events and the task parameters in each trial (see below i) for the details). "eyeData" contains the horizontal and vertical eye positions in each trial. Note that the sampling rate of the eye positions was 500 Hz that is different from that for ECoG signals (1 kHz).
i) Description of the events & parameters in each trial, and their field names
fixStart: the time of the fixation start
rewOn: the time of the reward delivery
cueOn: the time of the Cue onset
cueOff: the time of the Cue offset
FPoff: the time of the FP offset
saccOn: the time of the saccade
cuePolarAngle: the polar angle of the cue position
cueEcc: the eccentricity of the cue position
C "elPosition_XX.mat" is the information about the location of the electrodes on the cortical surface (XX = Qu). You can see the location of the electrodes with the code like this;
figure, imagesc(IMG), axis equal, axis off, hold on, plot(elX,elY,'ko'),
for iCh =1:length(elX)
text(elX(iCh), elY(iCh), sprintf('%d',iCh))